Sunday, August 20, 2006

Expandable post hack from Julie Meloni (NoFancyName)

Man, having been kind of locked in a relatively closed world of telecom, did I miss some things happening out there.

Blogging and web development is one of them. I have not really been oblivious to it, but was not actively participating either. The cool thing is (as I tell my teenager son) that you don't have to actually work as a web developer to enjoy the abundance of opportunities to express yourself and do some fun hacking.

Today I decided to play a little bit with this blog and add an expandable post hack from Julie (NoFancyName).
Now, if the hack worked, you will be able to see this text after clicking the button.

Neat, it's working!

And I really do like Julie's blog too. Go check it out.
go to main page

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Dude! It's only a tool!

How many of us were going to "just check e-mail" or "look up the news" for a couple of minutes, and ended up sitting at computer for a couple of hours instead? Did you notice the time go by? Did you remember what that was all about and what you've read? ... Thought so...

Turns out, it is so easy to lose yourself "in a stream" of everyday small stuff, events, and whatnots. And media is not helping. Did you notice that TV induces some kind of trance? Even during commercial brakes, when you try to talk to family or friends, your eyes are drawn up to that flickering screen. And the soundtrack: "Buy NOOOWWWWW!".

I am sure, many people will experience positive effects of giving up TV. I know I have. It was so nice to go camping, when I was a kid, to a remote lake without any TV or radio. After several days I was feeling completely recharged.

So how to free yourself from the shackles of technology? Or, should I say, background brainwashing?

First of all: get out more! Have a life!

Same as with "getting out of the stream": live in the moment. And to live in the moment, you have to be alert.

Be alert and remind yourself: It is just a tool.

If you find yourself spacing out in front of computer or TV - stand up, go for a walk, and try to remember what it was you were going to do in the first place. I've been doing it for quite a while now, and it helps to accomplish more, free up time, and generally be more relaxed while doing it.

Ok, fine, but what about mobile technology? Mobile TV is all the rage. As a matter of fact, I've just read an updated Juniper's whitepaper on Mobile TV, and, while not quite showing a hockey stick, they do forecast quite a growth. Meaning in the near future we'll have a chance to space out staring at small screens of our mobile phones?

Honestly, I don't think so. As a matter of fact, I think mobile TV even could let us ease up on regular TV. It is generally a good idea to improve your mental state by avoiding watching regular news. News today are extremely heavy with negative content. On another hand, video blogs similar to those of RocketBoom are short, content-rich, and fun to watch.
Yeah, and Joan is nice too ;)!

It would be nice to be able to watch targeted, compressed, and positive videoclips on the phone when you have a period of "lost time" e.g. standing in line or just when you feel like it. And nothing should prevent us from watching the same thing on computer or TV.

All that is needed is just the right mix of technology.